Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blogpost1# My Journey

Sometimes life is tough and sometimes life is easy going. By these situations, I figured out that I’m thoughtful. I always try to think about the situation and what the best decision is. Thinking about it helps me to choose the right route. When I have to decide something, I usually think about it more than other people, even though it isn’t serious. I try to relate my situation to other people and describe what they would do in my head. If I was in the Alchemist, I think, I would be able to find my destiny, because during the traveling, observation and careful thought helps you to discover which way is better and helps you to achieve your destiny. Thoughtfulness aids me to act carefully at people and also when I say something, because I think, they would get hurts from me. Therefore It makes me to spend a good terms with my friends and helps to make a great relationship between my friends and me. If I were not thoughtful at all, I would have incidents and would have many mistakes. Also I wouldn’t success in my life.

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